Trainings for Human Rights Defenders

اسناد حقوق بشرTrainings for Human Rights Defenders

Trainings for Human Rights Defenders

26th HRC Session

Trainings for Human Rights Defenders

Südwind provided three trainings for Iranian human rights defenders during the 26th HRC session in Geneva. Südwind organized a workshop for Iranian HRDs with trainer’s Dr Hassan Nayeb Hashem (Südwind´s representative at the HCR) from June 7 to June 8. This training was focused on the Mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) and provided oppoSüdwind provided three trainings for Iranian human rights defenders during the 26th HRC session in Geneva. Südwind organized a workshop for Iranian HRDs with trainer’s Dr Hassan Nayeb Hashem (Südwind´s representative at the HCR) from June 7 to June 8. This training was focused on the Mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) and provided opportunities for Iran human rights defenders to strengthen their struggle for human rights and democracy. The second training “Writing for the UN Human Rights Council” on 9 June 2014 with Sholeh Zamini (Südwind´s representative at the HCR) focused on giving useful tips on report writing for the HRC through group discussion, exercises and working on examples of reports written before. The third workshop from 14 to 15 June 2014 with Dr. Hassan Makaremi (League for the Defence of the Human Rights for Iran) lectured on management principles for Iranian civil society activists and human rights activists to peacefully promote civic engagement; tolerance; respect for human rights.rtunities for Iran human rights defenders to strengthen their struggle for human rights and democracy. The second training “Writing for the UN Human Rights Council” on 9 June 2014 with Sholeh Zamini (Südwind´s representative at the HCR) focused on giving useful tips on report writing for the HRC through group discussion, exercises and working on examples of reports written before. The third workshop from 14 to 15 June 2014 with Dr. Hassan Makaremi (League for the Defence of the Human Rights for Iran) lectured on management principles for Iranian civil society activists and human rights activists to peacefully promote civic engagement; tolerance; respect for human rights.

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